Monday, December 12, 2011

Google Earth Project Evaluation

Working on this project has been really fun for me.  I was generally satisfied with the way it turned out, and I had no problems working with my partner from Canada.  We made a facebook group for our project and planned everything out on there.  It was originally Melanie's idea to have our project involve the colonization of Mars, and I thought it was a good concept so we ran with it.  I think the work was divided equally so there were no problems within our group about that.

We did run into some challenges though, I had some difficulties making a smooth tour in Google Earth, and if I were to go back and do anything differently, I would spend more time making better camera movements during the tour.  I envisioned an epic fly-through across the surface of mars before revealing the city, but I wasn't quite able to get this result in the final product.  All in all though, I'm satisfied with the result and I learned a lot about the functions of Google Earth.  It was also great being able to work with someone in another country and be able to communicate effectively to make a project, that's a pretty unique experience for me.

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